~Ramencon Cosplay Catwalk Rules~

Cosplay Catwalk Sign Ups
Ramencon Cosplay & Contest Rules/Regulations

At-Con Dress Code
1. Attire, including cosplays, must cover anything that a swimsuit would cover. There may not be exposed nipples, buttocks, or genitalia. This includes the appropriate undergarments for bodysuits, such as dance belts.
2. Attire, including cosplays, may not contain profanity, hate speech (including symbols that denote hate speech), or sexual content inappropriate for ages 13 and under. This is a family-friendly convention.
3. No live steel, airsoft guns, props that exceed six feet, projectile toys (such as Nerf darts, toy bow and arrow, etc.) or props that swing. These should not be able to damage any property by walking past it. YOU are responsible for your prop so PLEASE pay attention when in crowded areas.
a. Live steel is defined as: swords, bayonets, knives (whether or not they are sheathed), star knives, shurikens, and other objects made of metal which can have an edge. This holds true regardless of whether the object is actually sharp. Metal is permitted on clothing as long as it is dull and does not extend more than 2 inches.
b. Projectile prop weapons include, but are not limited to: airsoft guns of any kind (functional or not), BB and other pellet guns, crossbows, dart guns, blowguns, water guns/pistols, stun guns, tasers, Nerf guns. The only exception to the rule will be “prop” or resin models that are easily identifiable as toys, provided that they possess no moving parts and are clearly marked with a non-removable orange tip. The exception is with airsoft guns; they are NEVER acceptable, as noted above.
4. Any costume that restricts vision, requires stilts, or has large, bulky armor/props, must be accompanied by a handler who can navigate you through the hallways without any trouble.
5. Costumes with stilts MAY NOT be worn in elevators.
6. Please ensure that costumes that use feathers, glitter, or body paint are sealed properly. All costumes may be subject to a smear test to ensure that they will not come off on others or walls given casual contact.
7. All attire and costumes must include shoes. Ice skates (including those with protective coverings), roller blades and skates, Heelys and other sports shoes are not appropriate footwear and cannot be worn on convention property.
Contest Safety Rules
1. Performances, walk-ons, and craftsmanship entries must not leave anything behind on stage. This includes glitter, feathers, confetti, streamers, or any other kind of projectile or debris. Any action that results in debris remaining on stage will result in an automatic disqualification.
2. Performances, walk-ons, and craftsmanship entries are not permitted to include pyrotechnics or explosions in any capacity. This includes but is not limited to: flash paper, sparklers, confetti poppers, fireworks of any kind, matches, and lighters.
3. Performances, walk-ons, and craftsmanship entries must not contain profanity, sexual content, or any other adult content inappropriate for ages 13 and under. Inclusion of this material will result in an automatic disqualification.
4. Performances, walk-ons, and craftsmanship cannot contain mock combat unless pre-approved by contest staff. Any impromptu stage combat will result in an automatic disqualification.
5. All contestants must wear a mask or face covering over the mouth and nose while in the backstage area, prejudging, or in any area where social distancing is not possible. Contestants must put on their mask or face covering when requested by cosplay staff, or will be automatically disqualified.
6. Junior contestants must be accompanied by their parent/guardian at all times, including at run through. This is to ensure a safe environment for all of our junior competitors.

1. Entrants in this category must have personally completed 80% or more of their cosplay (for all levels EXCEPT junior, more details on their requirements below). This means that commissioned cosplays are not eligible for prizes in the craftsmanship category.
a. If a costume entered in the craftsmanship category is found to have been largely or entirely purchased or otherwise not handmade, the entrant will be ineligible for awards.
b. Entrants found to be dishonest or deceitful about having made, crafted, or created a piece of a costume, regardless of how much of the rest of the costume they made, will be automatically disqualified.
2. All costumes entered in this competition must adhere to Ramencon’s rules and regulations regarding safety and dress code -- costumes/entrants that violate these policies will be ineligible for judging and participation in the contest.
3. Entrants must complete pre-judging in order to qualify for awards -- those who are unable to complete pre-judging will be moved to the walk-on category and will still appear at the contest, but will not be eligible for awards.
a. Pre-judging will include 5 minutes one-on-one with the judges, where they will ask questions and examine your cosplay close up. This may include examining props, checking seams, and talking about your process. Please come prepared to answer questions about the cosplay. You are encouraged (but not required) to bring work in progress photos and any other documentation you’d like, but will be limited to 5 minutes per entry for judging.
b. You will be required to wear a mask or face covering over the mouth and nose for pre-judging as social distancing will not be possible. Refusal to adhere to these guidelines will result in disqualification.
4. Entrants are expected to arrive for runthrough on time and remain in the auditorium until the contest is over. If you arrive late for runthrough, you will be disqualified and unable to walk in the contest.
5. Entrants in the junior, beginner, and journeyman who have previously competed and placed in a “Best in” category with the entered costume will not be eligible to compete with the same costume at the same level or lower, they must compete at the next level up. Entrants in the master category that have previously competed and placed in a “Best in” category with the entered costume will not be eligible for an additional “Best in” award.
6. Requirements for each craftsmanship level are as follows:
a. Junior: 16 and under. All competitors must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Junior contestants will be expected to have completed at least 50% of their costume on their own or with the help of an adult. Anyone below the age requirement for junior must enter at this level, but can be moved to a higher competition level at judge discretion. Parent/guardian must be present even if the competitor is bumped. An invalid point of contact for your parent/guardian at time of signup will result in your registration being rejected. You can sign up again with complete info.
b. Novice: New to competition, competed in less than 3 competitions in the past.
c. Journeyman: Experienced competitor. Competed in 3-10 competitions. Potentially placed/won best in category or other smaller awards.
d. Master: Seasoned competitor. Competed in 10+ competitions, placed in smaller awards regularly and major awards occasionally.

1.The walk-on category is for showing off your cosplay only -- entrants in this category are not prejudged and are ineligible for craftsmanship awards.
a. Walk-ons are eligible for the “Doppelgänger award”, which is given to the entrant who most embodies the character they are portraying.
2.Costumes in this category can be bought, commissioned, found-item, or handmade.
3. All entrants in this category must adhere to the rules stated in the above craftsmanship section, including all guidance regarding weapons, prop size, and body coverage.
4. Entrants are expected to arrive for runthrough on time and remain in the auditorium until the contest is over. If you arrive late for runthrough, you will be disqualified and unable to walk in the contest.
5. All entrants in this category are also subject to the above-stated rules regarding profanity, nudity, and safety.

1. All skits must provide pre-approved audio in mp3 format. All skits MUST pre-register before the convention so sound and script can be screened. Deviations from the approved script will result in an automatic disqualification.
2. Skits must be shorter than 2 and a half minutes.
3. Entrants are expected to arrive on time for runthrough and remain in the auditorium until the contest is over. If you arrive late for runthrough, you will be disqualified and unable to walk in the contest.
4. All skits/performances are subject to the above rules regarding prop size, weapons, and body coverage.
5. All skits/performances in this category are also subject to the above-stated rules regarding profanity, nudity, and safety.